I have more than 17 years experience and I am qualified physiotherapist. I mainly go to patients' houses and facilities to give massages, acupuncture, moxibustion including rehabilitation. You can use Japanese health insurance.If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
- [名前]
- 齋藤 博 (さいとう ひろし) Hiroshi Saito 1978年9月生まれ、独身
- [趣味]
- テニス、サイクリング、ドライブ、筋トレ tennis, cycling, driving my car, training
- [略歴]
- 日本柔道整復専門学校柔道整復科 卒業
日本鍼灸理療専門学校本科 卒業 日本大学文理学部英文学科 卒業