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訪問マッサージ武蔵小山整骨院のホームページへようこそ。Welcome to my website.


I can treat not only injuries but also chronic pain and internal diseases. If doctors let you have treatments of acupuncture, moxibustion and massage at home and facilities, I can go to your house and facilities and treat your symptom and give you rehabilitation with Japanese health insurance after getting doctors' pernission form. Nowadays people have a siff neck and a back pain by remote work. Some people have a strained back and can't move. I can go to your house at the case, but you can't use Japanese health insurance when you have home service. You can use private insurance if you have when you got injuries by car accident.


We properly treat each person in coopration with hospitals.

当院の特徴 Features

  • 完全予約制のため静かな施術環境。 Quiet room for reservation.
  • 充実したカウンセリング。 Fulfilling counceling
  • 伝統的な施術の提供。 Giving you traditional treatment method
  • 出張施術 Going to your house and facilities and treating your symptoms
  • 土日も施術が可能 You can have my treatment not only weekdays but also Saturdays and Sundays.
  • ※日曜日の施術については、土曜日までにご予約をお願い致します。当日予約でも施術できる場合があります。

お知らせ Information

施術日のお知らせ Information for working day
出張(訪問)施術 Going to houses and treating
健康保険について About Japanese health insurance
English services available
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